Level Counter

Story: 60, Challenge: 0.

Friday, May 18, 2012

First look video and mechanics explained

hey look I got a first look video up. cool beans for all !

so I think its about time I explained how Pachinguys works.

the game is controlled using the touch screen on android and the mouse on desktop.
when you tap on the hole in the top center of the screen a new Pachinguy falls out of it. (represented in the video as a white circle).
you can then drag that pachinguy left or right.
your goal is to get a pachinguy into the central bucket at the bottom center of the screen.

a pachinguy can interact with several elements inside the machine :

pegs : these are the basic elements of the machine (the grey squares). they stop your pachinguy and allow you to push it left or right.
triangles : falling on a triangle pushes the pachinguy to the side.
bridges : when down behave like a peg. when up it may block the pachinguy from being pushed in its direction.
portals (not shown in the video). any pachinguy touching the entry portal will appear at the exit portal.
triggers : behave like pegs. but also, when a pachinguy is on them, they activate all the other parts of the machine that are the same color as them. (i.e. when the first pachinguy in the video lands on the red trigger, all the red triangles flip).

you can, and often have to, drop more then one pachinguy onto the machine to solve a level.

your score is based on the amount of pachinguys you used to solve the level.

and that's pachinguys !
technical stuff : lots of infrastructure work this week. created a loading screen and made the game react properly to the android application life cycle (i.e. when the game is paused, resumed, killed etc..).

hopefully next week will focus more on designing new elements and levels.

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